Donations are a vital part of animal rescue, the amount of dollars we receive determines the amount of lives we can save. No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible.
If you are interested in donating to the cause please mail a check payable to:
Roane County Paws
P.O. Box 1362
Harriman, TN 37748
If you would like to donate online you can pay securely through PayPal
*PayPal does cost Roane County Paws a fee for online donations if you would like to maximize your donation then please consider paying by check or cash.
Here are some examples of how your donation may be spent:
$10 = 1 rabies vaccine or 1 annual DA2PPV Vaccine
$15 = 1 month supply of flea and tick preventative, 1 month supply of heart worm preventative, or 1 Feline Leukemia vaccine
$20 = 1 Bordatella vaccine, 1 Heartworm test, or 1 Cat FELV/FIV Test
$25 = 1 male cat neuter
$30 = 1 small male dog neuter or 1 female cat spay
$40 = 1 small female dog spay
$50 = 1 medium male dog neuter
$60 = 1 medium female dog spay or 1 medium/large male dog neuter
$70 = 1 large female dog spay
$90 = 1 x-large male dog neuter
$100 = 1 x-large female dog spay
Each dog receives: 1 rabies vaccine, 1 DA2PPV vaccine, 1 bordatella vaccine, flea and tick preventative, heart worm test, heart worm preventative (if they are negative on their test) for each month they are in foster care, and they get spayed or neutered.
This can range from $120 – $190 depending on the size and sex of the dog.
This does not include extra vet care for those who are sick, injured, or heart worm positive. This happens often and can become expensive very quickly for their care, and most require medications such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories during their recovery.
Each cat receives: 1 rabies vaccine, 1 Cat FELV/FIV Test, 1 Feline Leukemia vaccine, and they get spayed or neutered.
This can range from $70-75 depending on the sex of the cat.
Again, this does not include additional vet care for those who are sick or injured.
For more information please contact:
Cindy Branson-Hickey